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Worth a visit!

The Hobrechtswald features many attractions. The observation platform at pond 13 offers a broad view of the landscape. Old waste water pipes with blue tops indicate the “Rieselrundweg” (historic path), and small steel pipes point out the audio guide stations. Numerous sculptures can be discovered on the art paths of the Buch Forest and the Hobrechtswald and make the area a scenic and artistic specialty. Just as interesting are the large, partially accessible meadows that serve as grazing areas for hardy breeds of cattle and horses.

Hobrechtswald picture gallery

The numerous pictures of the Hobrechtswald on display in our gallery make it clear why the forest is such a great destination in every season.

Hobrechtswald audio guide

The Hobrechtswald audio guide brings alive the history of the former waste water works via interviews with contemporary witnesses as well as informing visitors about the ongoing transformation of the landscape and other particular aspects of the Hobrechtswald (in German). A separate children’s audio guide leads young visitors through the Hobrechtswald with the aid of a little bird called a red-backed shrike (in German).